AxIN® definitive screw M1.6 BLACK Axiom® BL H2
REF AXIN152-27-S2
more than 20 pieces available
Product details
REF Reference
>Axiom® prosthetic screws
Coherence, reliability and efficiency
Anthogyr offers a variety of dedicated screws specific to each step of a prosthetic treatment plan on Axiom® BL implants, Axiom® TL implants and Multi-Unit abutments, namely:
- Pick-up coping screws (open-tray impression) available in 3 lengths for ease of intraoral handling
- Laboratory screws for the operations involved in fabricating prostheses in the laboratory
- Temporary screws for provisional prosthetic restorations
- Final screws for final prosthetic restorations
Identification of prosthetic screws made easy by color coding and laser marking if gingival heights selected:
- Laboratory screws - blue (except for gray OPTS162 screw)
- Coping screw/temporary screw - gray
- Final screw - black
- Pick-up coping screws (open-tray impression) available in 3 lengths: short, long, extra-long
- Laboratory screws: range tailored to indication criteria, type of prosthesis, shape (straight shaft or angulated access), and size (long or short)
- Temporary screws: specific to the indication and type of prosthesis
- Final screws: specific to the indication and type of prosthesis
For further information about our products, please look for us on the Straumann Group website.
Instructions for use
For detailed specifications, please consult the individual product label and the Anthogyr® Product Catalog (AXIN152-27-S2/en).