7° angled impacted abutment H1.0 - 7°
Categories: Cemented prosthesis 2.8 impacted abutments
more than 20 pieces available
Product details
REF Reference
Axiom® BL abutments - Cemented prostheses
Flexibility, esthetics and performance
Anthogyr offers 3 ranges of abutments for fabricating single- or multi-unit cemented prostheses on Axiom® BL implants. With a variety of emergence profiles, gingival heights and coronal angulations, this covers all clinical indications while maintaining esthetics and patient comfort.
Standard abutments - single- and multi-unit restorations
3 gingival heights: 1.5 - 2.5 - 3.5 mm
2 coronal heights: 4.0 and 6.0 mm
3 coronal angulations: 0° - 15° and 23°
Esthetic abutments - single- and multi-unit restorations
5 gingival heights: 0.75 - 1.5 - 2.5 - 3.5 and 4.5 mm
4 prosthetic emergence profiles: 3.4 - 4.0 - 5.0 and 6.0 mm
4 coronal angulations: 0° - 7° - 15° and 23°
2.8 abutments - single-unit restorations
2 types of abutments (must be impacted into place) Straight or angled: 7° - 15° or 23°4 heights: 1.0 - 2.5 - 4.0 and 5.5 mm
For further information about our products, please look for us on the Straumann Group website.
Instructions for use
For detailed specifications, please consult the individual product label and the Anthogyr® Product Catalog (OPAT211/en).